Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Always Take the Weather With You!!!

I love the transition from colder to warmer climes!! In fact, I find it quite amusing!!! As humans we adapt to all kinds of different situations. If it rains we erect our circus tent-like umbrellas to stave off unfriendly rain. We even offer shelter to our fellow man if they don't have this beautiful invention. When it gets dark we lock our doors, draw our curtains, and always make sure to park our cars under a street light. We just know the car will magically be safe under the luminous night.

There is one thing though that really gets me giggling and thats when the weather starts to get a little warm. Notice that I said 'a little warm'. For most people the very sight of the sun brings about immediate panic, excitement and indecision. Can I dig out the bermuda shorts? Do I finally get to rock those sandals my Mom bought me last winter? For most, the indecisivness is all too much to bare. One can spot all kinds of fashion faux pas. The geeky and confused Argyle socks with sneakers look, or maybe the boybandish jeans with a vest look perhaps? Either way, not until its absolutley scalding hot can we be clear on what we should and shouldn't be wearing. I myself am not to be excused from all of this weather talk.

I have fallen victim to this weather bug like the rest of us. You may have spotted me standing at a bus stop in my shorts and vest combo freezing myself to death. Nothing that a little jogging on the spot or a couple of star jumps didn't fix though. Maybe you saw me running back from the pub in monsoon-like weather because I just didnt foresee such an event occuring. Afterall, it was sunny when I left the house. Note to self-Don't run in flip flops. Especially in monsoon-like weather!!!

There's another side to this however. Sometimes its warmer than we thought!! One hears all day just how hot it is "Oh, I didn't expect this today"!!! "It's too bloody hot", or " The polo neck sweater was a mistake, ive lost about a stone in sweat!!" "I can't breath. I wish it wasnt so hot"
There's nothing quite like the feeling of beads of sweat running down your legs under the thick blue levi jeans you chose to wear the morning of Britain's worst heatwave since before the war!!!
The deafening sounds of your mates yelling to "Roll the windows down" in the car because its "Like a bloody oven" in there!!!

The heat is so much to bare some guys even shave their heads because all of a sudden it just too hot for hair!! What an inconvenience!! There are of course some real Die Hards!! Hot or not as long as there is sun they will be out in gardens across the world trying to get some color!!! We cover ourselves in all kinds of greasy products and lotions just trying to absorb some of the suns tanning rays. "make me brown" or "I just want a nice glow" are common terms overheard over the garden fences!! Of course the effects the following day are often met with dissapointment. "Get the Bloody aftersun out im burnt and im peeling"!!! or "I think I overdid it, I can't bend down to tie my shoelaces today"
Either way, we will continue to misjudge the weather. I will of course always be a victim but always be someone who can laugh about it. So be proud of who you are!!! If its hot then take a pair of scissors and cut the legs off your jeans!!! If its hot then please complain about it all day long but please just wait until its hot!!!!

There's a great lyric from an Oasis song that goes "Wrap up cold when it's warm outside" I love this line as it reminds me of my personal view about our very weird obsession with transition and indecision. Its unavoidable people!!


  1. Don't you just love Scranton weather? Heyna?!

  2. I have never seen you at a bus stop, but if you were, I would imagine that whatever you were wearing was much more fashionable than any Colts Bus rider. No one taking the Lacky Route owns anything past circa 1980's.
