Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Mad Scientist!!

I want everyone to think back to High School for a moment. Do you remember those science classes where we got to play with bunsen burners, test tubes and all kinds of bright colored chemicals? Pretty cool wasn't it? We got to do something a little different. We were left to be responsible and make decisions, come up with a hypothesis, analyze data and wore cool lab coats allowing us to be mad scientists for an hour or so!!

Decision-making is something we deal with every second of our lives. My science classes offered me with an opportunity to make decisions in the form of a responsible adult. This was serious stuff!!! There I was, sitting by an open flame, with all kinds of distractions and thoughts going through my head. Should I explore science or follow the rules in a safe and adult fashion?
The reason why I am harping on about science is because one day in class a friend of mine (who will not be named-but he hailed from Scotland) decided to drink the contents of one of the test tubes. I cannot remember what it was but it certainly wasnt a good thing. He was ok by the way but I think had a bit of a belly ache!!

I refused the temptations of science and pretty much followed the rules!! This got me thinking about the decisons that I now make in my life regarding the temptations of science. Chemicals are all around us. They are in everything!! Especially our food!! Foods are riddled with all kinds of chemicals these days so everytime we eat certain food we are in theory drinking a little bit of the contents of the test tube

We are now faced with a choice. Do we all drink the test tube of unknown chemicals like my Scotish friend or do we take a step back, analyze what we are dealing with and then make a scientific and adult decison? I go with the later part of this comment!!

Adjectives to describe the majority of today's food: Modified, mass produced, unhealthy, fattening.........life threatening

We know that there are dangers to many things that we consume on a daily basis. Take smoking for instance. If you smoke you are polluting your body with chemicals that will ultimately kill you. Fact. Food is now right up there with smoking!! You are probably thinking 'what a ridiculous thing to say"!!! I say "not really". Food is killing us. Fast food=Fast life. Unhealthy food=unhealthy life

Food companies will get rich from producing food products that are the evil twin of the real thing. The wolves in sheeps clothing. The devils on our shoulders!! The food money men just like the cigarette money men will stop at nothing to promote their product. They want to sell their product and will say anything to do so. But who is really to blame?? Again, we can choose not to drink the chemicals!!

Its time to be High school students again!! Its time to put the lab coats back on and come to a scientific conclusion. If we are putting this rubbish into our bodies what good can come of that? I conclude that we need to get back to basics. Buy organic food that is free of chemicals. Support your local farmers by buying fresh produce. Read the labels on food before you buy it. Be scientists!!!Your health and your children's health should be your number one priority. Take a few minutes to learn more about healthy eating.

Stay safe, eat well
Thank you for reading this weeks post on the Glass Onion
Take care

1 comment:

  1. Your message is as clear as H2O (gone through Brita, of course!) Your formula: Breaking Bad + Food Revolution is extraordinary!
